What Dental Issues Are Hereditary?

Dr. Bhavik Bhakta

There are many diseases that are known to be hereditary, and dental diseases and issues can also be genetic or hereditary. However, not all dental conditions are hereditary, so how can you tell the difference? Dr. Bhavik Bhakta can help you determine if you have or may be at risk for developing hereditary dental issues. Schedule a consultation with Sunshine Dental in Corona, CA today.

What does hereditary mean?

When a disease is hereditary, it means it is passed through genetic material from parent to child. Many things can be inherited, ranging from actual diseases to genes that make you more susceptible to diseases. If you have a family history of a specific dental issue, then you might have a chance of having a hereditary condition.

What kind of dental issues are hereditary?

There are many dental issues that do not have ties to genetics and heredity. However, there are a lot of dental issues that are hereditary. These hereditary issues are passed from one or both parents and can include:

  • Hypodontia: This is one of the most common hereditary dental issues. Hypodontia occurs when a person is missing between one and five teeth. 1 in 18 people suffers from this condition.
  • Anodontia: This occurs when someone does not have any teeth. Anodontia is extremely rare.
  • Amelogenesis imperfecta: This condition affects the enamel of your teeth. Specifically, the enamel is either missing or severely defective.
  • Dentinogenesis imperfecta: This issue causes tooth discoloration or even translucency. Teeth may also be more prone to breaking.
  • Tooth decay: Dental decay is not always linked to genetics, but if you have a family history of tooth decay, you may be more susceptible to this condition.
  • Misaligned teeth: Genes that you inherit can cause you to have issues with the development of your jaw, leading to misaligned teeth.

There are many other dental issues that may be hereditary in nature. There is no reason to wait to treat hereditary dental concerns when Dr. Bhakta can help you today. You can keep track of your condition or potential conditions with dental exams twice a year. This will help you and Dr. Bhakta keep track of your hereditary dental issues.

How can I treat my hereditary dental issue?

Since every dental issue is different, each will all require a different approach. Dr. Bhakta can help you determine which treatment is best for your condition or if you may need a specialist. Keeping track of your oral and dental health is extremely important, especially when dealing with hereditary dental issues. Attending dental exams on a regular basis can help you keep your teeth in good condition.

Where can I get treatment for hereditary dental issues in Corona, CA?

There are a number of dental issues that can be connected to your genes and are considered hereditary. These can range from common issues such as tooth decay to more rare conditions like anodontia. Dr. Bhavik Bhakta can help you determine if you are suffering from a hereditary dental issue and the best possible way to treat it. Contact Sunshine Dental in Corona, CA today for a full consultation on the overall state of your dental and oral health.

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